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Principle 2.01免费汉化版

网页设计 大变态 8年前 (2016-08-24) 1751次浏览 已收录 0个评论
Principle 2.01 免费汉化版
Principle 是前 Apple 工程师打造的一款交互设计工具,五分钟即可制作出一个具有完整交互动画的原型,并且可将交互动画生成视频或者 Gif 分享到 Dribbble、Twitter 等社交平台。此外 Principle 还支持多种尺寸的原型设计,包括 Apple Watch。
Principle 是一款新开发的交互设计软件。相比 Pixate 更容易上手,界面类似 Sketch 等做图软件,思路有点像用 Keynote 做动画,更「可视化」一些。发现目前还不能做条件相关的交互,例如「当 A 的 Scroll Release 位置大于某值时跳到下页」。作者目前在对软件进行升级开发,值得尝试和继续关注。
[Principle 在官网上售价 99 美元,约合人民币 600 元]
Principle for Mac 介绍
Animate Your Ideas, Design Better Apps
Principle makes it easy to create animated and interactive user interface designs. Whether you’re designing the flow of a multi-screen app, or new interactions and animations, Principle lets you create designs that look and feel amazing.
Built for the Biggest Imaginations
There are a lot of things you might want to design: a short animation, a slick interaction, or an extensive multiple screen app. No matter what you’re doing, you can do it with Principle.
Totally New, Yet Immediately Familiar
With artboards, magic animations and a timeline, using Principle will give you Déjà vu.
Touch Your Designs
Principle Mirror lets you interact with your design instantly on device or view designs that others have sent you.
Coming Soon – In App Store Review
Design For Any Size
Choose a device preset or enter a custom Artboard size. Whether it’s web, desktop, mobile, or watch — you’re set!
下载地址:https://yunpan.cn/cMufPrtaVWNmh  访问密码 d7d5

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