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phpMyAdmin 的根文件夹下创建 文档中所述的网站服务器可以写入的 config 文件夹

技术类 大变态 8年前 (2016-10-11) 1998次浏览 已收录 0个评论

QQ 截图 20161011170552

在数据库建好之后,进行/phpmyadmin/setup 时,出现了”phpMyAdmin 的根文件夹下创建 文档中所述的网站服务器可以写入的 config 文件夹。“的提示,从官方网站上我找到了
Instead of manually editing config.inc.php, you can use the Setup Script. First you must manually create a folder config in the phpMyAdmin directory. This is a security measure. On a Linux/Unix system you can use the following commands:

cd phpMyAdmin

mkdir config     //create directory for saving
chmod o+rw config     //give it world writable permissions


cp config.inc.php config/      // copy current configuration for editing
chmod o+w config/config.inc.php      // give it world writable permissions

这段意思就是把下载的 config.inc.php 文件放到新建的 phpmyadim 中的 config 文件中,并用设置文件夹的权限和文件的权限,上面那个命令是 Linux/Unix 下的,在其它系统下:
On other platforms, simply create the folder and ensure that your web server has read and write access to it. 1.26 I just installed phpMyAdmin in my document root of IIS but I get the error “No input file specified” when trying to run phpMyAdmin. can help with this.

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