HWIDGen 是一款由国外 Nsane 论坛会员 s1ave77 制作的 Windows 10 数字权利激活工具,这款 Win10 数字权利获取工具,可以自动获取 Windows 10 数字许可证激活,无需产品密钥,以最简单的方式永久激活。
什么是“数字权利激活”?数字许可证激活是 Windows 10 中新加入的激活方式,是一种授权方法的分类。
数字许可证会记录您的硬件设备信息,只要在 CPU 和主板设备没有更换的情况下就可以连接微软服务器自动永久性的激活系统,重新安装系统时无需再次输入产品密钥,安装后会自动永久激活。
目前基本上支持大部分 Win 10 系统!
Windows 10 Cloud
Windows 10 Cloud(N)
Windows 10 Core(N)
Windows 10 CoreCountrySpecific
CWindows 10 oreSingleLanguage
Windows 10 Core
Windows 10 Education
Windows 10 Education(N)
Windows 10 Enterprise
Windows 10 Enterprise(S)
Windows 10 EnterpriseS(N)
Windows 10 Professional
Windows 10 Professional(N)
Windows 10 ProfessionalEducation
Windows 10 ProfessionalEducation(N)
Windows 10 ProfessionalWorkstation
Windows 10 ProfessionalWorkstation(N)
Windows 10 LTSB 2015
Windows 10 LTSB 2016
1. Get GatherOsState.exe from Windows 10 17134 ISO
2. Get latest version of slshim from https://github.com/vyvojar/slshim/releases
3. Extract slshim32.dll (for gatherosstate from x86 ISO) or slshim64.dll (for gatherosstate from x64 ISO)
4. Place gatherosstate and extracted slshim dll in the same directory
5. Rename slshim dll to slc.dll
6. Import this to registry:
6.1. Set the real value for %sku% from beneath list.
edition=Cloud sku=178 edition=CloudN sku=179 edition=Core sku=101 edition=CoreCountrySpecific sku=99 edition=CoreN sku=98 edition=CoreSingleLanguage sku=100 edition=Education sku=121 edition=EducationN sku=122 edition=Enterprise sku=4 edition=EnterpriseN sku=27 edition=EnterpriseS sku=125 edition=EnterpriseSN sku=126 edition=Professional sku=48 edition=ProfessionalEducation sku=164 edition=ProfessionalEducationN sku=165 edition=ProfessionalN sku=49 edition=ProfessionalWorkstation sku=161 edition=ProfessionalWorkstationN sku=162
Replace the ‘XXX’ with the needed sku value. If using REG make sure the string is 7 digits long, the CMD will take the value from above.
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\Tokens" /v "Channel" /t REG_SZ /d "Retail" /f reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\Tokens\Kernel" /v "Kernel-ProductInfo" /t REG_DWORD /d XXX /f reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\Tokens\Kernel" /v "Security-SPP-GenuineLocalStatus" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "C:\gatherosstate.exe" /d "^ WIN7RTM" /f
Make shure the XXX are peplaced by shown ID from above SKUID list.
Adapt the above path to gatherosstate.exe to the actual path.
7. Enter default Retail/OEM key from products ini
Key list from 17134.1 products.ini:
Site: https://pastebin.com
ShareCode: /rYakstDc
if you have Enterprise N or LTSB 2016 N use this in elevated Powershell:
::EnterpriseN ((Get-Content '.\gatherosstate.exe') -replace "`0" | Select-String -Pattern "(.....-){4}C372T" -AllMatches).Matches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value ::EnterpriseSN ((Get-Content '.\gatherosstate.exe') -replace "`0" | Select-String -Pattern "(.....-){4}VMJWR" -AllMatches).Matches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
this will gather the key from within gatherosstate.exe
8. Run gatherosstate. After a few seconds you should get GenuineTicket.xml
9. (optional) Remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Tokens from registry.
reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\Tokens" /f reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "C:\gatherosstate.exe" /f
10. Place the created genuineticket at the root of c:\ and in admin CMD:
clipup -v -o -altto c:\
11. then force activation with:
cscript /nologo %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs -ato
该版本是作者 s1ave77 提供的!全 E 英文操作!大家可以尝试其他几种!
软件下载:链接: 下载 hwidgen
软件下载地址:链接: 点击下载
萌卡大佬优化:链接: 点击下载
软件下载地址:链接: 点击下载
C#代码编写~ 可以利用反编译工具看代码内容。
该版本来自:吾爱破解-W10 数字许可激活 C#版 v2.6.7【已支持 LTSB2015】
激活过程中,保持电脑联网,且开启 Windows Update!避免使用 V_P_N!
有些杀毒软件会提示软件有病毒。大家可以参考下:远景论坛-关于最近 hwidgen.mk3 病毒的发表下个人看法。
所有附件均存放在 OneDrive,如出现无法下载的情况,请留言,我将尽快更换。